Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Exporing Frederick

We didn't take any pictures this weekend for some reason. We had a good one though-low key. Kevin didn't have to work on Saturday, so I took advantage of it and scheduled a hair appointment. That afternoon, we went to Burgers and Buns for ice cream and then took a stroll through downtown Frederick. I love our town. Frederick is much bigger than I thought, and I love the old history- there are markers of the Civil War all over. The downtown is filled with huge old bank buildings and beautiful churches. We strolled into a couple of boutiques and a very cool toy store.

That night, our friend Brian came over. Thanks to my friend Renee's recommendation, I tried out a new recipe. She has tried some recipes from the Pioneer Woman and recently tried one called Marlboro Man's Second Favorite Sandwich. I went searching on the site for something to make Saturday night and stumbled upon Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich. They were quite delicious. Thanks for the website recommendation Nay.
We're finally sitting down and relaxing now. Just finished my mugful of peanut butter cup ice cream and thinking how fast the weekend went. Can't believe it's pre-Monday already!
I had to add a picture to the post for my mom. She would be disappointed if it were just text. So here you go Mom. Sorry it's a month old!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Our Little Bam Bam

New favorite toy...the red bat. This bat belongs to a baseball set my brother gave Eli for Christmas. Eli always has it in his hand....while playing with toys, while jumping in the jumperoo, while mommy or daddy holds him, while he's getting ready for bathtime. He just has to have that red bat. We take a small toy from home for him to play with at church- even though his classroom is full of toys. I was going to let him take the bat, but then I realized it's just a matter of time before he learns to swing it. And we don't need his first target to be a kid in the church nursery!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

We had a great weekend in Milton. We hadn't been up there since Easter, so we headed up for Father's Day and to visit Nan. It was great having everyone together.

On Saturday we visited Nan and Aunt Jo and then took a trip to Allen's True Value to surprise Eli's Aunt Muffin (Linsey). We were forced inside for most of the day because of the rain, but it cleared up by dinnertime. Nan and Aunt Jo came over, and we all ate outside. Eli is a big fan of dining al fresco and especially liked the blueberry and asian pear puree that Mim made for him. We sat outside for a few hours enjoying the nice night and good conversation. Topics of conversation ranged from a discussion of the theory of relativity to "things my mom might say or do if she were a character on 24." Never a dull moment.

85 pictures and not one with both of them looking at the camera at the same time!

Showers girls

Special thanks to Mrs. Hoff for lending Mim and Pop the bathtub

Eli thought Aunt Jo was very entertaining with her camera phone

Hanging out with Nan after dinner

The weather today was perfect, and we spent a lot of it outside. We also spent some time with Nan again today. Eli played on her swingset, and Nathan and Pop picked up lunch for us from the Fence. Eli learned a new trick at Nan's house- sitting up from a crawling/laying position. She was very excited that this milestone occurred in her living room. He' s been saying 'da da da' over and over again and today was no exception. So very appropriate for Father's Day!

He loved swinging with Pop and made sure he held on tight

In the swing like a big boy

I took about 1o pictures of this pose and he had this look in all of them

We attempted a family picture but Eli wanted to kiss mommy instead

And a final Father's Day picture

All in all, it was a great weekend and Father's Day. I was sad to pack up the car and come back home. Weekends go by so very fast. But we'll be back in two weeks for the 4th of July and the DeMotte family reunion. Happy Father's Day everyone!

Monday, June 15, 2009

8 Months Old Today!

8 months old today!
This past month has been the most fun yet. Here are the highlights...

  • He's on the move. Eli crawls army style all over the place. He is really determined when he's crawling. He loves to chase after the cat and over to Kevin or me for a hug.

  • Speaking of hugs, Eli gives the best ones. Even though he's a rough little guy, he gives the sweetest hugs. He wraps his arms around my neck and squeezes. Sometimes I get a kiss too.

  • He has two teeth, and they are sharp little buggers! His hair is much thicker, too, and he has a little rat tail. His eyes are still blue, but they are much darker than before.

  • He is very much into splashing, and he doesn't seem to mind getting water on his face. In fact, he's started to dunk his face into the water. I'm glad he doesn't mind getting his face wet, but it weirds me out when he dunks his face into bathwater that he may or may not have peed in!

  • He has learned how to operate his toys. Before he would just pick up everything and put it right in his mouth. Now he knows exactly what buttons to push on the toys to make sounds play. He can spin toys (Spin, Spin a Letter... Ali, you know that one!). He can push the button to make the train move. It's fascinating to watch him figure out how things work.

  • He's been trying more foods- most recently he has tried his first casserole- spinach, potatoes, and carrots. He also just tried prunes. I gave him a puff for the first time yesterday, and he seemed very intrigued by it. He can pick it up with his thumb and pointer and move it from hand to hand.

  • He has learned a new trick with his video monitor. The video part is attached to his crib, and we keep the monitor with us. That little stinker has learned how to press the button to turn it off! Speaking of the crib, we've had to lower it.

  • He sings... "Na.. Na...Na..." and "Whoo" and occasionally "Da." I've been working with him on "Da Da" for Father's Day. I know he doesn't make the connection, but he's so cute when he says that sound.

  • He's becoming a momma's boy (and I love it).

8 months... holy moly. I wish I could hit the pause button.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Splish, Splash, Eli Was Taking a Bath

Splish splash, I was taking a bath

Long about a Saturday night

A rub dub, just relaxing in the tub

Thinking everything was alright

I was a rolling and a-strolling, reeling with the feeling
Moving and a-groovin', splishing and a-splashing, yeah!

I told you he was quite the splasher!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Donkey Family Photo Shoot

Beth Techtmann from Waypost Photography took some family picures of us in May. Eli had just turned 7 months old. My how they change in a couple of weeks. Eli now has two teeth, more hair, and is crawling!

My friend Renee had family pictures taken by Beth at the same location back in October. I absolutely loved their pictures and thought it would be a great place to take pictures of Eli once he could sit up. So thanks Renee for the inspiration!

I'll post some more when I get the CD of pictures, but here are a bunch to start with. There is a slideshow on her website with more pictures. We had so much fun with Beth that day. Not only is she is a talented photographer, but she also managed to keep Eli smiling. Check out her website here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eli's New Cadillac & High Chair

This past weekend Eli got two new big ticket items- his new stroller and a new high chair. My Nan had given him money at Christmas for a high chair. We finally decided on what we wanted.

It's so much easier feeding him in the new chair rather than the Bumbo seat. And not nearly as messy. Plus he can't reach out and grab the cat's tail as she walks by.

My parents came down Sunday night and left this morning. They watched Eli all day on Monday. They took him for a nice long walk in his new stroller, played on the swing, and planted a flower for me in my Mother's Day flower pot.

"Let's get moving folks. I'm ready to test out my new ride."

Hat? Check. Toys to chew on. Check. Let's Go!

Ok I'll pose for just one more because I know I look really cute in this outfit.


"Push me higher Mim!"

"This flower feels funny."

"Are you sure I'm allowed to touch this dirt?"

"Mim, a little help please!"

The finished product

Daddy's Helper

This was such a proud moment for me....Kevin teaching Eli how to do laundry. Look at what a good helper Eli is already. Now if I could just get them to do the ironing, too....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Self Tanner

The other night I was sitting next to Kevin on the couch watching TV. I had just put self tanner on my legs. Self tanner, for those of you who have used it, has a slightly weird smell. I've been using one of the gradual moisturizing kind. Anyway, I thought it would be funny to see his reaction to it. I anticipated a comment and he didn't disappoint. I put my leg up to his face and tried not to giggle. He looked and me and said, "What are you doing?" Then, "What's that smell?"And finally "Your leg smells like a hamster cage."

That's why I married him. He has such a way with words.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sweet Potatocado

Making Eli's baby food has been interesting. It's actually been much easier and less time consuming than I thought it would be. And it has certainly saved us a ton of money. I bought one bag of organic carrots, and they have lasted over 6 weeks so far. I have a whole shelf in the freezer filled with freezer baggies of ice cube size portions. Eli has tried rice cereal, carrots, apples, pears, peas, bananas, green beans, and avocado. Bananas and peas didn't "agree" with him, so we stopped those for awhile. He loves apples, pears, and sweet potatoes, but he's a good eater and will eat anything. Just take a look at his plump belly and you can tell he's a good eater!

Here he is eating avocado. I'm not a big fan myself and had never purchased an avocado before. But I've seen Rachael Ray slice it and scoop it out so I gave it a shot. Eli's a fan. I mixed it with sweet potato tonight, and he loved his Sweet Potatocado dinner!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ladies & Gentlemen, the Kid is Mobile!

Oh boy, he's mobile! Eli crawled for the first time this afternoon. I had a better video, but it won't upload for some reason. But this one will do. I'm on the phone with my mom while I'm taping it, and she's asking, "Is he doing it??? and "Are you there?" and I answer her with "I'm vidoetaping." What? "I'm videotaping." So you'll hear my strange whisper of "I'm videotaping" throughout!

The other video shows his whole routine. Up on all fours, rocking back and forth, and then propelling himself forward. (I'll try to upload that for you Mom. But I figured you would want to see this asap.) He did it a bunch of times, going as far as 3 feet or so. First a tooth, and now this? My baby isn't a baby anymore!
