Sunday, September 27, 2009
Dedication & Celebration
Those Stinkin' Hawkeyes
"Eli, it's not nice to say that you hate Iowa. But it's ok this time, because Mommy hates Iowa, too."
Monday, September 21, 2009
More Sliding Please
In other news, he is a wild terror with his push toy. He whips that thing around and walks all over our middle floor. He runs over books and goes barreling toward the screen door, the TV, the fireplace... pretty much any dangerous place. We've barricaded as much of the room as possible.
I'll post pictures of Mim and Pop's weekend with Eli soon. They came down to watch him so we could go to a wedding on Saturday and another on Sunday. Thanks Mim and Pop. We miss you already!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
11 Months
Here's what Eli has been up to:
- He's pulling himself up on everything and will stand without holding on briefly (to clap). He will take a few steps holding on to the couch, but he hasn't taken any steps without holding on to something. He's still crusing behind his little ride-on toy.
- He's very into clapping. He will give us, the cat, or himself a round of applause for just about anything. It's really funny. I often hear him in the morning clapping in his crib.
- He says 'yeah' all the time. That cracks us up too. Especially when we ask him silly questions and it sounds like he's answering us.
- His hair is getting really long. He's waking up with bed head most mornings. Kevin wants to let it grow, so he might have a shaggy mop by the time he turns one. It's really thick too. I guess he gets that from his dad. It takes me forever to dry it after his bath.
- He has always enjoyed splashing in the tub, but it's getting ridiculous. I need to capture it on video again. He gets himself soaked. I usually just hold up a towel to block myself from the tidal wave.
- He still has just 4 teeth- the middle top two and bottom two. He had a couple of drooly, rough nights that we were really sure was due to teething, but nothing has popped through.
- He giggles and lets out a big laugh (like an "ahhhhh") when we tickle him.
- He crawls with his belly off the floor now and he's fast. I chase him around on all fours (man, that's tiring) and he loves it. He giggles and screams.
- He still enjoys his books, but now he likes to "read" them by himself at times, too. The peek-a-boo books are favorites but his very favorite is "I Love You Through and Through."
- We spent almost every night this past month cruising around in the red car that the Whites gave to us. Just this past week or so, Eli has been leaning over in it while we're pushing it to touch the ground. That little stinker.
- He can climb the steps all the way to the top.
He's just the most lovable, huggable 11 month old little man.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tricks with Mim
...some clapping, some high-fiving, some Indian war sounds, and a big slobbery kiss for Mim.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Beach Pictures
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away
We were there for one hour before the sun went behind gray clouds. It hasn't emerged since. But we're making the best of it. We went to the outlets at Rehobeth yesterday and my parents taught us how to play pinochle last night. Today we're all reading our books and playing pinochle while Eli naps.
I'm sitting here typing in my bathing suit, cover-up, sweatshirt, and sweatpants. In the event the sun comes out, I'm ready to go at a moment's notice. For now I'll resist the urge to document the details of this day, i.e walking outside to make sure it's still raining, then coming in and checking the weather forecast to see that it's supposed to rain all day. Stinkin' rain.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Greetings From Ocean City
He wasn't thrilled with the beach. He didn't seem to mind the dry sand, and of course he tried to eat it. He did not like the water or the squishy sand. He really didn't like the foamy water. I think the sound of the waves scared him a bit. He did enjoy the beach toys that Mim & Pop brought for him, especially the shovel. If he had the shovel in his hand, he was a happy man. After some playing on the beach, Eli fell asleep on Mim. He ended up taking a nap in the tent for 2 hours.
What is all this noise, Pop? It's loud out here! Let's go back to the blanket!
Dad, I'm not a big fan. I see sharp shells, it's kind of cold, and my feet sink. How about we go back to the blanket?
Seriously, Mom. This is a bit scary. I might drop my shovel in this foamy water and then I won't be a happy camper. Let's just go back to blanket and play!
Taking a break from paddle ball to pose
Nothing beats a nap on the beach.
What a pose...butt in the air and shovel in hand.
We went out to dinner last night at a place called Catch 54 and had great food. We then met up with Kevin's old roommate Joe, and then ended the evening with a heated game of Taboo. We now hear that the forecast for beautiful weather for the week has changed to rain and clouds. Fingers crossed that we'll get back out the beach!
check out the outfit
Uncle Nathan is tickling me!!!
I wish they could stay the whole week!