Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thankful for my Litte Turkeys

The last picture shows our annual Thankful Turkey that Eli and I make. The list of what Eli's thankful for (in no particular order):
Uncle Nathan
Dump Trucks
Ryan and Spencer
Daddy (Mommy's suggestion)
Eli (Mommy's suggestion)

Playground Fun

Mim and Pop took the boys out for walks a couple of times this weekend. The weather was so mild and it was finally dry outside. The boys loved the swing, and Pop had the great idea of putting them in together.

Little Pookie... I mean, Little Ryan

Why who is this baby? Little Ryan, that's who! May I tell you ten things that I know about you?

1. You always have a smile
2. And you're often quite giggly
3. It's hard to change your diaper
because you're so wiggly

4. When your bottle is empty
You cry out for more
5. For every puff in your mouth
there are three on the floor

6. Sometimes you go crawling
where you don't belong
7. We put you one place, look back,
and you're gone!

8. You like napping in the swing
9. and playing with Eli's toys
10. You are the most mischievous
of all the Kim boys

There that makes ten Ryan things and here's one more for you.
Mommy loves you little baby, my sweet Ry Ry Roo.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We hosted Thanksgiving this year for my parents, Kevin's parents, Bill, Julie, Mina, and Ashley. My mom made most of the meal, and she and I cooked Wednesday and Thursday. Although we missed seeing the O'Donnells, Aunt Jo, and Nathan and Katie, it was nice being together with Kevin's family.

Here are some pictures from the day.

Little Pookie, I mean Little Spencer

Why who is this baby? Little Spencer, that's who!
May I tell you ten things that I know about you?

1. You're not fond of green beans
2. You love peek-a-boo
3. You're happy just bouncing in
Your Jumperoo

4. Sometimes you are serious
and you also belly laugh
5. But your favorite thing of all
Is to splash in the bath

6. You've grown 5 teeth
and there are more on the way
7. It seems like you go through
15 diapers a day.

8. You give the biggest smile
when you see Mom arrive

Silly Spencer, are you dancing to Staying Alive?

9. You do lots of exercising
because your muscles are tight
10. You love waking up in the middle of the night

There, that makes ten Spencer things
And here's one more for you.

11. You are a sweet baby
And Mommy loves you.

Little Pookie... I mean, Little Eli

We have this great little Sandra Boynton book called "Little Pookie." I've changed the words to fit Eli.

Why, who is this kiddo? Little Eli, that's who!
May I tell you ten things that I know about you?

1. You like to sleep sideways.
2. Your favorite color is red.
3. You refuse to use covers when you crawl into bed.

4. You adore Mickey Mouse and your train is your favorite toy.
5. You sometimes dress silly- you're the goofiest boy!

6. You're really good at puzzles
7. And rolling out playdoh.
8. You like to eat vegetables so your muscles will grow.

9. You love to eat waffles.
 Or wait, is it cheese?
10. You do a great job with thank you and please.

There, that makes 10 Eli things! And here's one more for you-

11. You're very special and Mommy loves you!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Playdate with the Walsh Kids

Mrs. Walsh, Julia, and James came over on Saturday for a visit. Eli and Julia colored together, decorated paper pumpkins, read books, and ate quiche for lunch. I quote Julia, "I don't like this pizza." :)

Ryan was asleep for almost the entire time, but Spencer and James played together.

Thanks for coming over and playing with us!

One of Spencer's pet peeves? Group photos

Finger Painting

All I can say is thank goodness they were washable!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Walk Home from School

I had to take my car seats out of my van for a work event this week. Traffic was pretty bad on Tuesday and I decided to go directly to daycare to get the kids and walking home with them instead of trying to fumble around with three car seats in my suit and heels.

So I gathered them and all of their belongings and loaded the littles into the double stroller. Eli held my hand and off we went. (Note to self: This seemed like a much better idea in the daylight. _

Luckily it was warmer than usual Tuesday evening. But it was so dark out. I'm sure we were quite the sight- me in heels walking with children in the dark.

Eli thought it was a great adventure. As we walked, we pretended that we were acting out "Pete's Trick-or-Treat Tower" storyline from Mickey Mouse. We were on our way to a costume party. I told Eli my costume was a butterfly. He told me his costume was a seagull.

We called for Toodles and solved all kinds of problems on our way home- crossing a river (I fink we need a really big bridge), trying to find our house from a distance (I fink we need "binoclears").

Although it wasn't my finest moment as a parent, it turned out to be a fun adventure.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spencer's Smiles

More Birthday Fun

Kevin took the day off the Monday after Eli's birthday for a special day with Dad. They went to Adventure Park USA in Frederick for some fun.

Happy Halloween from a Dippy Egg and 2 Dinosaurs

This year Eli decided on his own what he wanted to dress up as for Halloween. He chose an egg, more specifically, a dippy egg.

So a few days before Halloween, I made his costume out of foam board, acrylic paint, a paper plate and some ribbon. He liked it and was the cutest dippy egg I've ever seen.

Halloween weekend was really fun this year. We spent the weekend in Milton and went "trunk-or-treating" on Friday at the church across the street from their house. What a great event! Kids went around to the trunks of vehicles to get candy. Each vehicle had a theme- trains, Christmas, beach, camping, etc. They did a great job and the kids loved it.

We stood in line for awhile and there was a little boy dressed like Luke Skywalker in front of us. He kept asking all these questions about Eli's egg costume.
"Is he an EGG?" (in consternation)
"Why is he an EGG?" (as in, who in the world would ever want to be an egg for Halloween)
"Where did you get that egg costume?" My mom told him that I made it and 2 seconds later he's telling his dad, "Dad, that lady made that EGG costume."
Eli and Kevin were running around and every time they came back near the line, that kid would say, "Oh geez, there's that EGG again!"
It was so funny. He was so bent out of shape about the egg costume.

Ryan and Spencer were nice and toasty in their dinosaur costumes, but it was difficult to have them in the stroller with their tails. But they looked cute, and that's all that matters, right?

Kevin carved Mickey Mouse into the pumpkin for Eli. Still need to get a picture of it!
