Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Don't Leave Your Valuables Unattended

Nothing is safe in this house anymore, especially food. If we want to keep something out of Ryan's reach, it has to be way up. He is a little food thief!  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kiss for Mim

Bedhead and Writing

If you know Ryan, these first two pictures won't seem out the ordinary. This kid has the wildest hair I've ever seen. But I couldn't believe the bedhead he had when he woke up from a nap this past week. His head was sweaty and his hair was, well... take a look!

Ryan likes to play with the Magna Doodle toys we have. This is a small, travel size one. He holds the pen, starts to write, and then shows your the finished masterpiece. It's really cute.

Lee and Natalie's Wedding

My parents came down this weekend to watch the kids while Kevin and I went to our friends' wedding in DC. Lee Chernett and Natalie Bell got married yesterday at the Omni Shoreham in DC, and it was spectacular! The weather was great, and we had such a good time.

We went down a little early on Saturday, sat outside for lunch, took a little walk, and met up with our friends Shawn and Amanda.

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for coming down and giving us an evening out. We really appreciate it!

With our friends Amanda and Shawn

Friday, April 13, 2012

Eli & Mom

My Favorite Littles...In No Particular Order

Easter Morning at Our House

Easter morning started with a Bish tradition- checking to see if the Easter Bunny left an egg in your  shoe! Then it was time to hunt eggs downstairs and open a couple of presents in the baskets.

hunting for eggs

Ryan's new shades

Spencer clapped for his sunglasses, but he wasn't into wearing them

Seven new pairs of Thomas undies!

The Kims

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Presents!

Mim and Pop brought baskets full of goodies for the grandkids. It was a "Thomas" theme for Eli and a "useful goods and products" theme for the littles.

Happy Easter from the Bish/Kims!

Emilie Harper Bish

Emilie Harper Bish is here! We were so excited to meet our little niece this past weekend. We drove to Nathan and Katie's on Saturday for Easter dinner with my side of the family.

Emilie is the smallest and sweetest little thing. She is just so cute. She was so quiet and sleepy while we were there. I got a peek of her eyes when Nathan was holding her. I miss her already!

The Bish grandkids- and check out Mim's new do

Emilie is 7 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long! Skinny!!

I didn't get a full shot of Katie, but she doesn't even look like she had a baby! She was a ball of energy. Very impressive!

 Such a good daddy!

We love you Emilie! Welcome to the world sweet girly!
