Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 18, 2010

15 Month Measurements

Eli had his 15 month appointment today, shots included.

32 3/4 inches- 90th percentile
23 pounds 13 ounces- 50th percentile

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Donkey's Birthday

Happy Birthday Daddy/Donkey! We love you and don't think you look a day over 38. Oh wait...
We relaxed and played today and went to Kevin's parents' house for dinner. I would write more, but now it's almost time for ice cream cake and 24!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Go Terps!

Eli is all ready for the Maryland basketball game this afternoon. He's got his gear on and is ready for Daddy to come home from work!

15 Months

My sweet little boy turned 15 months old yesterday. I've noticed so many changes over the past month or two, especially how much he understands now.
  • I can ask him to turn off the light, and he'll flip the switch.
  • I ask him if he wants to get a bath, and he says "yeah" and runs over to me to go upstairs.
  • If we're upstairs playing and I ask him if he wants to go downstairs, he immediately puts whatever toy he's playing with in the drawer and goes to the door.
  • He still loves the vaccum and wants to "help" every time I use it. Sometimes I would pull the attachment out and let him play when I was finished vacuuming. He now knows that it's off and points to the "on" button and signs "more."
  • He dances a lot now. It really cracks us up.
  • He's really into his toys with wheels. He loves to push his trucks around on the floor.
  • He's turning into a picky eater. He used to eat anything. For the past month or so, he hasn't been that interested in the foods he has to pick up himself. He wants to be fed the pureed stuff. I still make baby food like pureed cauliflower, mixed veggies, etc, so I can freeze it to send to the sitter's.
  • He shakes his head no and/or waves his hands in front of himself like a crazy man if he doesn't want something. (He'll do this if he's done eating or in response to "Eli, time to go night night.")
  • He still loves the phone and carries it around held up to his ear.
  • When I ask him for a kiss, he comes running over.
  • He loves to crawl up my back when I'm sitting on the floor and flip over the front of me. He giggles and giggles and does it over and over again.
  • He still loves to read his books- current favorites are "The Going to Bed Book" and "Jesus Loves Me"
  • He points to Gracie and says "Race." If he sees one of her toys, he'll pick it up, hand it to me, and say "Race."
  • When it's time to put his pajamas on, we'll tell him to lay down for jammies. He comes over and lays down (always with his head lined up with the pj feet!)
  • One day last week I told Eli it was time to change his diaper. Before I got anything out, I remembered that I didn't have any diapers on the middle floor and needed to go upstairs to get one. I told Eli I would be right back and that I was going to get a diaper. When I came back down, I saw him standing there with butt paste in one hand the wipes in the other. He found them on his own and was all ready to go.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Good Nap.

Someone is feeling better after a good nap today.

Home Sick

Our poor little man is sick- since last Wednesday night. It started as a cold turned ear infection. We thought the antibiotics had kicked it out of his system until he woke up Monday morning with a horrendous cough. Kevin stayed home with him yesterday and took him back to the doctor. Now it's turned into a bronchial infection. He's still on antibiotics although his ear infection is gone. They also gave him a nebulizer to help with the wheezing, and (shocker) he hates it.

So Eli and I are home today. It kind of stinks to have to use a day so early in the year, but you can't really time sickness, can you? We're having fun today reading books and playing (I think I read his new Jesus Loves Me book 15 times already today). He slept really well last night, so I think that made him feel better this morning.

It's 10:15 now and he's down for nap #1!

Monday, January 4, 2010

More cousins (and a random boo-boo)

Mina and Daniel

Eli was not in a picture posing mood

Eli's nose had a run in with the pavement

More Family Pics

Four Generations

Christmas Lights

Pop, Aunt Jo, Eli, and Mommy walked from Nan's down the street to see the Christmas lights at the Diver's house. Every year their entire yard is lit up. The first year that Kevin drove up to Milton for Christmas to see me, he said knew he was getting close when he could see those lights from the highway- that's a lot of lights. It was about 4 degrees out and we were bundled up.

Family Shots

It was so nice having everyone home at Christmas and getting to spend a few lazy days together.

I miss everyone already!


My Aunt Darlene painted this spaceship for Eli. It has NASA and ELI on it. So cute!

This is my Aunt Jo. She loves me a lot. I love her and the school bus she got me.

Just one picture is all I asked for...

All I wanted was one nice picture of Eli and me in front of the Christmas tree. It's times like these that I'm so glad film is a thing of the past. It would have cost $57 to get one picture!
 good as it gets!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm taking a break from the Christmas posts to wish everyone a very happy New Year! Kevin and I had a very low-key evening at home last night. He made lobster tails for dinner and after Eli went to bed, we played Yahtzee, ate brownie sundaes, and watched Ice Age- the Meltdown. (Sounds like a perfect evening, right Callan?) It was nice and relaxing- an evening any 8 year old would love!

We woke up this morning to Eli crying at 5:30- he wet through his jammies. Guess I'm glad I wasn't out til the wee hours last night!

We've been hanging around home all day- ate pancakes, did laundry, finished putting all the decorations away, and CLEANING. There's really no sign of Christmas left in the house. :(

Now it's time for the PSU game and then to Kevin's aunt's for dinner.

Happy 2010 everyone!
