Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ry Ry

Loves his Lamby (and his donkey and his that order)
Loves wearing 2 pairs of pants (at the same time... I have no idea why)
Loves the Firefighter Handy Manny movie
Loves climbing on everything
Loves buckling himself in (the highchair, the wagon...)
Loves Pop!
Loves eating shampoo in the bathtub (off his head, not out of the bottle... not that it makes much of a difference)
Loves attempting to play t-ball


Picking Pumpkins at Mayne's Farm

Firefighter Party

Eli had a birthday party last weekend that coincided with our town's fire station open house. Of course Eli requested a firefighter themed party with a firetruck cake. So that's what he got. Our family came to celebrate, and then we went to the open house for an hour or so. There was a little hayride to an open field where the kids all grabbed little pumpkins. Eli had a blast and loved having everyone here to celebrate with him.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cute Twin Moments

These two have some really cute moments. These pictures show some actual sharing going on. Ryan is very good at sharing (Spencer not so much). He also likes to take things to Spencer. I can hand him 2 drinks, 2 snacks, etc, and he'll deliver them to his brother. I gave Ryan two snack traps this morning with fishies, and a minute later I hear Spencer say "tank to" to him. Their other cute moment happens before bedtime and after nap time. Spencer says "Night night Ry Ry" before going to sleep and "Hi Ry Ry" when he gets up from his nap. Ryan just says "Night Night" or "Hi." Neither of them attempts to say Spencer yet!
That's it for the cute moments. The rest of the time they are monsters. :) Just kidding, sort of.

Playground Time


Baggie Paint

I finally tried this activity after seeing pictures of this on friends' blogs and online. I put paint in gallon freezer bags and taped them to the table. Eli played with this for a long time this morning. He made tracks on them with his cars and practiced writing his name and other letters with his finger. Then Ryan climbed up and joined in the fun. We will definitely be doing this activity again. There was no mess! 
