Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

6 Months Old Today!

Today you are 6 months old. Wow. You’re such a growing boy, and you seem to learn new things every day. Here’s what you’ve been up to:

You rolled stomach to back for Daddy a couple times on April 2. Then you rolled back to front for Mim on April 8. You haven’t stopped since. Daddy and I are trying to tell you that this should strictly be a daytime activity! The past couple of nights you’ve woken up crying because you rolled over and got stuck on your tummy.

You love grabbing onto people’s faces- cheeks, nose, whatever you can grab and hold onto. You especially love grabbing Mommy’s cheeks and trying to “nurse” on her nose.

We're not sure how you produce all that drool. We’re thankful that you rarely spit up, but you still manage to drool through a couple outfits a day! You give wet, slobbery kisses and are still “eating” everything in sight.

You are so engaged in your toys and books. You love pop-up books and, of course, try to eat all the animals that pop up on the pages. You turn the pages and try to just grab the whole book and shove it in your mouth. You’re a busy little guy on your exersaucer. You spin around making all the gadgets light up and play music. Sometimes we’ll hear a little thud and see a part that you’ve thrown across the kitchen floor.

You love to eat. Today will be your first day of real food- rice cereal- but boy do you love nursing and your bottles! If you see your bottle across the room, you go crazy. It’s like trying to hold back a wild animal when we’re squeezing the air out.

Sleep… you teased us with some good nights. You were sleeping through the night and then…whammy. You go to bed at 7:30 and are usually up a few times at night. Mommy doesn't nurse you in the middle of the night anymore. Sometimes you’ll sleep until 6:30, but lots of times you will wake up before then. We find you in all kinds of crazy positions- on your tummy, upside down, totally sideways, wedged into the side of the crib.

You are a pooping machine. You went through a phase a couple weeks ago where you pooped every few days. You were like a ticking time bomb. Now you seem to be back on a more regular schedule. Must be that fiber we put in your bottle… just kidding! But your diapers are lethal. We hear they get worse with solid foods. We can’t even imagine.

You don’t like strangers anymore. Your face turns bright red and you scream if someone you’re unfamiliar with tries to hold you before you’re ready. Once you warm up, you’re a lovey little guy.

You’re the sweetest boy in the world. These past 6 months have been quite an adventure. We love watching you learn new tricks and get so excited and proud of yourself. Your smiles and giggles are so precious. We treasure every moment with you. Even those at 3am.

Mommy & Daddy


esther said...

you are such a great mom and i'm sure kev's the greatest dad (behind joe, of course). hehe.
i laughed out loud when i read that he tries to "nurse" on your nose. i can actually picture it!
my, eli is really getting cuter and cuter. i wish i could see him soon!

Ali said...

Diapers arent' too bad once they are on solids - you'll get used to it!! I always like checking your blog after the 15th because I know Eli is another month older (since Alex was born on the 15th too I always update!) Alex continues to get up now at night too. I thought as they got older they were supposed to sleep more!!!!!!
